Dear Mr Cornwell –

thanks for your superb efforts in promoting our history – if only history was taught like this in schools… I look forward to a continuation of the Uhtred series through to the all too short reign of Athelstan and hope you will carry it forward to the Norman ‘conquest’ in much the same manner as the Uhtred tale picks up the threads from the Arthurian series…?

I believe that the Danes, Saxons, Angles and Jutes were all closely related groups emanating from the same area of Europe / Scandinavia and that even the Normans before they settled in France also formed part of this largely Scandinavian people who migrated to Engaland over a period of some 500 years.  Do you have any views on this or do you see them as quite distinct peoples with entirely different cultures?

many thanks – I really love your work,
