
My Uncle gave me my first Sharpe book back in ’95 then you arrived at the WH Smith I was working at in Guildford (1998) to do a signing. I ,however, was left pushing visitors around and unnable to meet you! A few months later I was thanked by John Major for doing the same thing and given a signed copy of his book, which dissapeared, mysteriously!

I have been a loyal fan of Sharpe and Uhtred for twenty years now and I am champing at the bit for Uhtred’s next adventure but what are the chances of Sandman coming back?

I moved to Argentina almost 9 years ago and live in a town called El Bolsón. I was lucky enough to travel the 5 hours to Valdivia and Niebla in Chile and see some of the ruined forts you write about in Sharpe’s Devil and even though niether my wife nor our friends could comprehend my excitement, I have spent the last three years talking about it.

Thank you for such amazing stories and making us squirm with both pain and anguish at the exploits of our favourite heroes!

Don’t stop!
