God morgon Bernard.

Its sunday noon here in Stockholm, Sweden… and i have just finished the last page in The Last Kingdom. i would just like to take the oppurtunity to thank you for a very very joyful read. I loved the book and and have already purchased all the others that will follow. I have two questions regarding the first book. And would love it if you would have the possibility to answer when and if you have the time.


  1. In the beginning of this story, Uhtreds father suggests that native brits also shared our (my) norse believes before christianity arrived to the islands. Its a subject i know very little of, but i am fully aware of studies that claim norse/scandianvian paganism had extreme simularities with pagan religions/belives in other parts of pre:christian Europe – finnish Kalavala, french pagansim, Wendels of the east, germanic tribes etc. But would you go as far as to say that pre:christian England even had our specific gods: Oden, Tor, Freja etc?


  1. At the very end of the book (the last pages) you say that the attack in the north east by danes could be debated – are you then refering to the attack on Lindisfarne in june 793? You dont think that specific attack took place, there and then? I have visited Lindisfarne with my far and i have awlays thought that the attack was very very well documented by archeological findings and monk documetation.


Thank you very very much for this excellent book. I loved it. Starting the next one this afternoon. If you would ever find yourself in Stockholm, id love to buy you a pint of ale for a long historic chat at any local inn here!




Til Valhall

