Dear Mr Cornwell ,

I would just like to start by saying “thank you” for igniting my passion of reading again, it has been quite a while.

The tales of Uhtred & his mate Finan have truly been enjoyable…  what started as buying your book ‘The Last Kingdom’ with a voucher that work had given me at Yule last year has me waiting now for my order from Book Depository of Warrior Chronicles as I wait for you to add the finishing touches & a prowl to ‘Flame Bearer’

I would have to say that my three favourite Uhtred moments are, on the shores of the Humber river I believe it was where Steapa freed him & Finan from slavery,  the time Finan gave Uhtred the upper hand hugely by walking out of Bebbanburg’s smithy with Uhtred’s Uncle, his cousins wife & their son!  and the time Stiorra killed the priest

Anyway back to Subject matter, I really liked how you weaved in Uhtred Jnr & his old man meeting in that Pub… I thought it was really clever how you did that & I was wondering if you ever thought about doing that with Stiorra & her husband, Uhtred is getting older now & I just don’t see that it will be him that brushes shoulders with King Dunmail in a shield wall.

Keep up the good work & thanks again from Seaford, Australia

Kindest regards,
