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Hi Bernard,

About a third of the way through ‘The Empty Throne’, my question touches on a more philosophical note: personally, do you believe those who have died can view or visit the world as it progresses? I was quite intrigued when Uhtred suddenly wondered whether the spirits of Romans, for example, now found thatched huts and wooden churches mostly replaced the familiar stone villas. Those of a more recent Roman period might perhaps understand what had happened to the ‘Britannia’ province, realizing (with some fascination) that the Saxon ‘barbarian’ hordes (as depicted in your Warlord Chronicles) eventually settled the land, governed by laws, commerce, and taxes. Ironically, the Danes embarked on much the same path – but do you think, if Wessex had been destroyed, a ‘Daneland’ would have eventually begun to embrace Christianity in the same way?

Robert Douglas