Auto Draft

Hi Bernard,

I notice in your comments that you confirm Uhtred’s story will end with the Battle of Brunanburh. That has caused me much satisfaction since immediately after “The Last Kingdom” came out I announced to all who would listen that the natural end of this tale would be that epic battle. I reasoned that even though Uhtred would be too old to participate he could still be around to witness it. I even suggested he could have a son who could do that for him.


Needless to say I have watched the narrative unroll with Uhtred the Younger immerging as a candidate for a part in the final encounter. No doubt he will also play a key role in helping Uhtred achieve his life’s dream.


Talking of off-spring brings me to my question/observation. As the story has unfurled you have introduced us to the next generation of nearly all the key players – both historical and fictional. We have met the sons (& daughters) of Cnut, Sigurd, Ivar, Kjartan, King Constantine , Alfred  & Edward, Aethelflaed, Aelfric & Uhtred’s cousin.


What about Finan? He has a wife and an ambition to return home and settle scores of his own. Has he no son who, like Uhtred’s, can follow in his footsteps and help him in his quest?


Then there is Stiorra. Although she is fictional I have assumed the Sygtryggr she left with in The Empty Throne is the historical Hiberno-Norse Sygtryggr Caoch [ “One eyed”] whom Uhtred has clearly helped to get his name!  In which case there are sons who become Kings, in particular Sygtryggr Sygtryggrson (Cuaran) who not only becomes King of York but returns to Dublin to set up a dynasty there. With Stiorra as his mother he would inherit some of Uhtred’s genes which would explain his successful career!


I really do admire the way you have blended historical and fictional characters to create such plausible and entertaining reading. Thanks !!


Paul Stein