: Medieval Tales from the Bard Iron-Tongue: Adventure, Battle, and Conversion

Written by: Kevin Wolf

Submitted By: Kevin Wolf

(This review posted by the book's author)

The core of this book is a collection of short stories concerning the conversion of three early medieval kings (Clovis [King of the Franks], Radbod [King of the Frisians], and Harald Bluetooth [King of the Danes]) and one infamous Saxon lord, Widukind) from their ancestral faiths to an early form of Christianity. "Framing" the conversion stories, are the tales of the Bard Raedmer, also known as Iron-Tongue. These stories tell of how Raedmer came by his strange name and ultimately how he died--if one believes that he did indeed die. In the first tale, Andrew, a descendant of Raedmer and monk on the island of Great Skelling, sets up the entire collection of tales by telling how all of the aforementioned stories came to be written down for posterity. _Medieval Tales from the Bard Iron-Tongue_ is an engrossing, smooth, and fast read, illuminating some of the mysteries of Europe's early medieval conversion period.