The Circle of Ceridwen

Written by: Octavia Randolph

Submitted By: Suzanne Gunter Sheppard

Nothing is more universal than courage, faith, love, and loyalty. All are tested in The Circle of Ceridwen, by Octavia Randolph. The fans of Bernard Cornwell’s, Warrior Chronicles, will find many comparisons between those of Uhtred of Bebbanburg and the heroine, Ceridwen.

This book is beautifully scribed and meticulously researched. I find that the author describes the contents of this tome the best. It has young women with enormous courage, swords with names, Vikings with tattoos, warfare, passion, and survival! The reader is swept through this saga in the voice of a young woman questioning her place in place in Anglo-Saxon England. This, however, does not this limit the audience to women.  Men will find the story equally compelling, as it is also contains the story of a fierce Viking warrior who  follows his passion and his Fate.

This is the first of five books to this saga. So, strap on your seax, this shield maiden is going to take you on a wild ride!!!