Happy New Year Bernard.


Whilst listening to Uhtred’s story from start to finish again of the Christmas period, quite a few ‘what if’s’ drifted into my mind as they tend to do from time to time. I won’t bother you with most of them, but I am curious if you have any thoughts about the implications and effects on the relationship between Alfred and Uhtred if the latter had fully converted and remained a devout Christina in Alfred’s service. Both men clearly respected the other and it seems to me that there had been, on Alfred’s part, a desire like Uhtred and foster a friendship, which was soured over the years. I wonder if you fee that had Uhtred been a committed Christian, Alfred would have allowed his merit to raise him to higher levels of lordship. perhaps in place of his cousin, or even to become a sanctioned king under Alfred’s overarching rule. If this had happened and Uhtred had been allowed freedom to run the campaign against the Danes freely and with Alfred’s full backing, do you think the results would have been wildly different in terms of effectiveness and duration?

Had Uhtred been a Christian and in Alfred’s good graces, do you think he might have been allowed permission to marry Aethelflaed, and had that union brought forth sons in Alfred’s lifetime, would he have recognised the potential for a stronger ruling line from that branch of the family and put them ahead other potential succesors? Alfred showed he could be ruthless, having usurped the throne himself, and I wonder if he would have weighed the future of his kingdom ahead of having Edward follow him


Best wishes




Of course this is all just idle musings but it does intrigue me!


Best wishes

