Hello….my! do people really send you manuscripts?! I couldn’t imagine doing that. Anyhow, I have read the Warlord Chronicles-twice,and all of the Saxon tales to date. Two questions if I may: 1- In the Saxon Tales, Uhtred and other characters show a profound distaste for the “welsh” and for “wales” a very marked difference from the way the lands of “Wales” -even Siluria, are loved in the Warlord Chronicles. Now, granted the feelings of the characters are driven by their learned hatreds and loves for peoples and lands, but why so stark a difference? THIS is not a criticism! Please don’t be offended. it is just a question based on observation.  2- I have read through your answered questions and see that any new story bridging the time of Derfel the writer monk and Derfel, survivor of Camlann may not be in “the cards”. It seems there is still a good bit of story-fiction and history-to tell. Would love to see it. But it is understandable if we never do. Thank you for your time.

Ted Agens