Hello, Mr Cornwell,

Very big fan of the Saxon Stories starring Uhtred of Bebbanburg. I just had a couple of questions to ask concerning the books that I hoped you might be able to answer.

Firstly I’m curious as to what happened to Alfred’s nephew, Ethelhelm, who was the brother of Ethelwold. Is there a sentence I must have missed saying he died or became a priest, because history records he was alive at the time of Alfred’s will in the 880s. I can see why Ethelwold is the more major character though, since his life is better attested.

I’d also like to ask would there be any exploration of the Gaels and Finan in later books. As a descendant of the Uí Néill (like 99% of Ireland’s population) I suppose that makes me a relative of Finan’s, fictional though he may be, and was wondering would we have further exploration of his clan in the future.

Hope you keep up the good work.
