First – Thank you so much for your books. I just finished listening to the 12th Last Kingdom book. I experienced them one after the other on audible in what has felt like a great dream. Now, I must wake up from the dream while waiting for #13.

Still, I must ask you about the women in the book. Honestly, it’s a bit of a protest. Did Uhtred really say at the end of book 12 that he was happy Edith died? Huh? So he could have Bendetta? Really? I realize women died earlier in the middle ages and men had serial marriages, but by book 12 Uhtred has had a harem’s worth. And they are always strikingly beautiful. Please don’t descend into teenage boy fantasy of women.

Gisella and others have been reasonable characters. Some of the gals could use a little more of your attention (what did they do with their time for goodness sake?)  But it seems Uhtred ends by despising his last stupid, pious wife. This is what your foreshadowing seems to indicate.

It does seem sad to spend a lifetime as a kingmaker and end with  such an impoverished hearth. Perhaps your Bendetta can do something with all her orphans?

Whatever you decide, I am looking forward to reading the results. Cheers!
