Thank you very, very much for the Saxondale Chronicles.

I had to pause the book I was reading when I realised War Lord had been released!

When I was younger I devoured the first part of the series over and over. I’ve lost count how many times I read the first two books in particular. The series really came alive for me when Father Judas, Stiorra and Uhtred the younger came into their own.

The final book was brilliant and I must thank you …..

Brunanburh was brought to life brilliantly and I couldn’t help but hear whispers of the tactics used at the battle of Cannae.

I must also thank you for finally including Teesside into your tales! Each time a new Uhtred came out I checked the place names at the start of the book in vain to see if any place in the Tees Valley was mentioned and fate gave me my wish in the final book.

Did you have a specific location for the Devil’s Fort and were you able to visit any areas when researching?

England is finally made and it brings bitter sweet feelings as I am now greatly looking forward to seeing Sharpe again. I sincerely hope that in this novel Captain Morris and Lord Pumphrey return and receive Cornwellian justice as the hands of Sharpe’s boot and blade.

All the best,

James Trethowan