Hiya, I have been thoroughly enjoying reading The Saxon Chronicles. I am currently on The Burning Land.  I like to read each novel deeply, paying really close attention and sometimes rereading parts. Everything has made perfect sense to me throughout all the books so far but I just have a few questions. Why was Uhtred’s horse called Smoca in Sword song but Smoka in The Burning Land? Also in The Burning Land it says that Haesten had escaped him 5 years before so I’m assuming there is a 5 year gap between book 4 and 5.  However Osbert Uhtred and Gisela’s 3rd child is only 2 years old and she was pregnant at the end of Sword Song, it does not mention timescale that seems not to align. I would be most appreciative if you could clarify.

Louisa Lennen