Hello Mr Cornwell I’ve have just read your interview with GRRM, and was so pleased to hear that Thomas of Hookton will be back and another Uhtred(my favourite of all your amazing characters)/Alfred novel (seven is a magic number – for me at least). In the interview you said that there is another timeline that you would like to cover, and I respect your wishes to keep this secret and so therefore will not ask you to reveal. But your wording makes me feel that a lot/a few historical events or characters, that you may have wished to cover have been done so by other authors. If this is true would one such character be Robin Hood, (I’m sure you love men of the warbow) who has been spun recently by Angus Donald…??? (Whom I feel wants to be your buddy “and the story teller of Arthur was Wigga…” hmmm…) or maybe the crusades, which has been done by so many, but the best has to be Robyn Young even if it has a slightly SNP view on the world. If you find time to reply I would kept high in spirit for a year at least =) yours faithfully Anthony Symns