Dear Mr Cornwell. I have just finished Death of Kings. Fantastic read as always!! Now I have a list of characters from the novel in front of me and am internet-searching their historical background. I was surprised to find out that Osferth actually existed and was mentioned in Alfred’s will, and there’s a big possibility that he could really have been an illegitimate son. Regarding Azincourt, I was always curious what you had in mind when describing Nicholas imagining voices in his head. Was it because of some mental condition or extreme religious brainwashing…or is it meant to be left to the reader’s interpretation? Thank you. (On a different note. I’ve seen a few video-game related comments. Wikipedia states that the game Mount and Blade was partially inspired by historical fictional novels, particularly those by Bernard Cornwell.) Looking forward to your future work especially Uhtred’s inevitable recapture of Bebbanburg!! Andreas Azzopardi