Hi,I’m a great fan of your writing and have read just about everything that you have written, but my particular favorite has to be the “Uhtred” series. I have them all,pride of place in my collection and can’t wait for our anti-hero to reclaim his rightful position at Bebbanburg. Death of Kings was published in 2011. How long will I have to wait before my hunger is satiated with one or hopefully two more episodes in the series.

Bob Ferry

Its been a sad day, I’ve just finished the last of the Saxon series, what a trip its been, seeing Uhtred grow up to become Alfred’s sword, and finally to get his reward from Alfred on his death bed, but he’s still got some unfinished business such as reclaiming Babenburgh, and killing Haeston, so please tell me there will be another coming in the not too distant future. Kindest regards, Mike Holloran

Hi. I enjoyed the Saxon series and am wondering if there will be at least a seventh book?

Mike Frazer

Just checked the What’s Coming area. It is empty! Horrors! Are you going to retire on us? We are the same age & I am retired, so I can’t fault you if you do. However, I would like to see Uhtred win his birthright back before it is all over.

Ed Zingone