Let me begin by saying how much I treasure your stories. I began with the Starbuck Chronicles, which we given to me as gift because of my interest in American Civil War history. I enjoyed the tales of Thomas of Hookton, and was so engrossed by Richard Sharpe that I named my pet cat after him. (I read the Sharpe novels in the chronological order rather than the order of release, and I think you will be happy to know that even though they were written years apart they fit together masterfully.)  I have just finished the audiobook version of Sword Song. I’d love to stick to the audiobooks with series; but various reveiws I have read of The Burning Land and Death of Kings tell me that some of the language in these versions has been modernized, particularly place names. I was hoping you could tell me if there is an audiobook version which uses the original wording of the novel. Don’t worry; if there is no such version I will certainly not put down the story of Uhtred – I’ll just have to go and get myself a nice hardcover version and put my glasses on.

Thank you for everything. As an aspiring storyteller, I’ve taken enjoyment and inspiration from your works for years.
Bradford Belles