I feel you have let your readers down a little in not completing the Starbuck series. I bought the books in hardback intending to keep the whole series. As someone with a BA in American History I loved the books so come on, finish the series even if you kill the star at Gettysburg!!
Alan Lowe.


Are there any plans for further books in the Starbuck series?


The last line of “The Bloody Ground” states “Starbuck will march again”.
Phil White


Hi. Just want to say I’m a big fan.
Just finished the fourth starbucks book and what a plessure to read, just counld not put it down.
Will there be more Starbucks stories in the near future? His adventures are trully like Sharpe’s I just read the books over and over.


Hi Mr. Cornwell,
As always I love reading ALL of your novels and series; they are by far the best written and researched historical novels with super plot lines.
However here’s the “BIG BUT!”
I have asked a couple of times about the continuation of the series and am extremely disappointed that nothing has transpired. The first 4 books were excellent and superbly written. I think it is very unfortuntate that the series has not been continued. To me it is as bad not to finish this series as it would have been not to complete the other series that you have done! The Civil War is a fantastic period to write about and not to continue it does a disservice to all your readers and fans. I’m sorry to be so blunt but I think that poor old Nathaniel Starbuck has been long suffering and very patient and you owe him a novel ot two!
Robert Snowden


I have all your books including the early  stand alone novels, and have read them all several times.  I was hoping for the next Uhtred book this year, but expect to enjoy 1356 which is already ordered. Have you any plans to continue the Starbuck series? You seem to have left him alone a very long time.
A. Mann