
I am a fan of your stories particular the archery and your dark ages books.
I like your saxon books a lot as they explain how England grew from squabbling kingdoms to one people with one country.I like Uhtred a lot in the story but he does get on my nerves a bit ,mostly because I am not the loud and obnoxious type,well that and I’m a christian but I will not go into that.  But I would like to ask this question,Will his other son  become a christian?  The reason I ask because it’s obvious Uhtred will never become a christian,the actions and beliefs of christians  such as Asser, Godwin and Erkenwald and Ealhswith  etc have made certain of that. It’s also becoming clear that his eldest son Uhtred is determined  to join that number seemingly to spite his father .It’s also becoming clear in the stories that Uhtred will become the last of his kind as a pagan saxon warrior like Derfel was the last of his kind as a pagan briton warrior.  But what about his other son?  Like his brother, the only danes he knows are his mother, his father and some of his oathsworn men, the rest would seem to him as murderous invaders having not sat in their hall growing up like his father so he might not  be as fond of them as he is . but it seems Uhtred would have a connection with his younger son . I wonder if you intend to make Uhtred’s younger son a christian like his brother but different than his brother. Uhtred would definitely not accept a christian priest as a son there’s too much bad blood with them  but what about a christian warrior as a son ?
Another question would be if his adopted brother Ragnar become a christian as the healing of his sister( who was a pagan and was driven mad from the horor and the trama of being raped and imprisonedby pagan enemies)  by a christian priest would definitely be an incentive to join the flock . I would also like to know about what happended to Ragnar after the events of THE BURNING LAND and if he had a private conversation with Alfred and he tells Uhtred about it as it would cool for Uhtred to hear Aflred’s views on him beng told to someone who is considered family by him and might increase his admiration for the king he served loyally though he despised him privately due to listining to the advice of priests like Asser  even more so . And finnally Brida, what kind of action would she would take in the future  as she  seems to be in the postion that Nimune was in the Arthur books and how would Uhtred react when he finds that his duty as sword of the saxons means that he  has to fight and
posibly kill his childhood friend and lover. Forgive me for the long questions I will look forward to see the story play out the way you wish to playit out and I will look forward to reading  about Uhtred’s raising of the first true king of the english and the battle of tetantall .Till then I am excited about Tom Hookton’s day of glory at Poitiers

Michael Powers