Hi Mr Cornwell,
I’ve just read all six Alfred the Great books during a two week holiday in Ireland and they are simply the best book series i’ve read. I was going to ask if there was going to be another book where Uhtred takes back Bebbanburg, but I see you’ve already been asked and I’m very excited to hear your working on that now, can’t wait.
What I would love to see though, Is this fantastic series turned into films by someone that would really do them justice, like Peter Jackson did with The Lord of the Rings. Have you had any offers from film company’s?
Thank you for the great stories,
Neil Johnson.


Dear Mr Cornwell,
I am writing to you to ask if their are any film adaptations planned, or thought about. In particular, the Warlord Cronicles are my favorite series that you have created, and I believe that they could become a great film series as well.
Thankyou for taking your time to read this,
Daniel Cockling