Just wondering when another in the Saxon stories will be appearing. Your Warlord trilogy is by far the best Arthurian story I have yet read. I very much want to read the The Fort, but being a yank, I must gird myself before the read.
Walter Speck


Is Death of Kings last of Uhtred or is he eventually going on to win back Banburgh
Syd Swaby


I didn’t know how much I liked reading until I began reading your Saxon tales.  I am anxiously awaiting the next installment and was wondering if you knew when it may be coming.  I live inthe U.S. and am excited about the new Grail Quest novel being released here in January.



hi, I would ike to start by saying how much a fan I am, I have read most of your books. just a simple question, is there another book to follow the death of kings? and if so great and when will it be out? thank you so much your books give me great pleasure.
all the best,



Gidday Bernard,

Just wondering when the next Uhtred novel will be out,and if he will get Beddanburg soon.

