When is the next volume of the Saxon tales coming out to the public?

Jeff Montville


Dear Mr. Cornwell,
I just finished reading Death of Kings. I enjoyed the whole series, and I am anxious to see Uhtred regain Bebbanberg. I can’t seem to find any indication of what the next book will be or when it will be released. I hope Death of Kings is not the end of Uhtred’s tale.
Please contact me and let me know.
Thank you,
Cyndi Stanley


I am just starting The Lords of the North and am loving the Saxon Stories. I know you hope to have the next book done in September 2013. Just curious if you think that will be the last book in the series or if you have more planned?


Just finished reading 1356 and like all of your previous books enjoyed it immensely.  When is the next one due and in which series?
Many thanks for the wonderful books you write.

Les Hunter