Mr. Cornwell,

I intended to write this question/comment two years ago, but I never found the time to do so.  So here goes.
I was mildly upset when The Fort was published as I was anticipating the next installment in the Uhtred series instead.  As an avid fan I decided to read the book anyways, and I’m very glad I did.  I actually grew up in Maine, so I found the subject very interesting.  I was even more excited when my direct ancestor, William Greenlaw, appeared in the story.  Did you find any other history on the loyalist Greenlaws (a Scottish family specifically) of that time period?  I know that we actively fought, smuggled, and spied for the British, and were eventually banished to Canada as “traitors to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts”; several son and grandsons would later return to Maine.

I’m a proud American, but the history of the Revolution that is taught in school is totally ignorant of the large Loyalist history from the war.  Thank you for writing the book as it gave an interesting and more balanced view of the war.  I’ve also recently discovered that the other side of the family  fought as loyalist Americans in the Queen’s American Rangers.  Any chance you’ll do a more detailed novel on the loyalist cause?

Finally, I want to know more about William Fredrickson’s fate.  I could see him going
“native” after the War of 1812, settling down with a squaw, drinking firewater, scalping those he doesn’t like, and sketching Indian tipi architecture.  I think he might be my favorite character of all the wonderful ones that you’ve created.

Sorry about the length of my questions.