Mr. Cornwell,

Thank you for hours upon hours of enjoyment. I first stumbled upon one of your books in an airport just five years ago. It was Sword Song. I was nearly one-fourth of the way through it and put it down. It was at that point I realized it was a part of a series… so I decided I needed to purchase the preceding books in the Saxon series. And now I’ve read anything of yours I’ve come into contact with since. I live in the US but I order your books online in the UK so I can get them earlier.

I’m thrilled to see that you are working on the next book in the Uhtred saga. I know you said not to give you an idea for a book for legal reasons. But I was wondering… have you ever thought of writing a book or series on the Norman conquest? If not, and if you don’t plan on it, could you recommend a good one? I’ve read a few… but you have spoiled me. I want a gripping novel that takes place during this period. There has to be some good ones out there. And if there aren’t, I’ll just wait for you…
