Hi   I much enjoy your books   is there to be a book 7 or even more as Uhtred’s quest for Bettannburgh does not seem to be complete  …yet ?

John G. Jones


When is the next book due after death of kings thank you
Jeff Higgins


Hi, Have you written the final book about Uhtred yet, I have been searching bookshelves, internet etc to no avail. Both my husband and I grew up in the Thundersley/Benfleet area and have been fascinated by the ancient history of the area, it has brought to life the sometimes boring history lessons at school. I played as a child in the woods on Bread and Cheese Hill and am very farmiliar with the tides and mud in the Benfleet Creek/Canvey Island area. In the last book so far in the series you said “Uhtred will live to fight another day” I do hope so.
Thank you for some very enjoyable hours reading and discussing the locations in the stories.
Best wishes – Judy Coombs – Australia


You may remember me (amongst others I suspect) asking you “What happened to Uhtred” The suggestion was that there might be an answer in Autumn 2012.
I think that 1356 might have got in the way,
Here’s hoping !!
Kind regards and a Happy New Year,