Dear Mr Cornwell,

I am reading “Death of kings” for the 3th time now and I’m at the part where Uhtred is in St Hedda’s with Aethelflaed and that he realises that though he loved Gisela most, he is closest with Aethelflaed. And every time when I read this a line from “The pale horseman” comes in to my mind: “a six year old stared at me. And she had hair of gold” So I was just wondering whether you actually imagined her coupling with Uhtred back then? So, mainly what I’m asking is: “Did you finish the series in your mind by then? ”

PS: Any Idea when there will be a new saxon story? I’m a big fan of Uthred, and was a bit disappointed when I saw the announcement for 1356. However this changed after reading it. I think it’s brave to restart a series. Simply loved reading it (2 times now,)

Sincerely yours,
Robin Claes