Dear Mr Cornwell,
Firstly I must give you my heart felt thanks. Your books (mainly the Saxon/warrior chronicles) have changed my perspective about books in general. Through out my life I’ve been brought up playing video games and generally thinking books were damn right boring, until however, I picked up one yours on a lunch break at work.  The last kingdom. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! I had to buy it, and the next one….. And the next. Now I have all of your books and I have found my inspiring new hobby. So again I must thank you Bernard, thank you for not only changing my outlook on books but also teaching me a great deal of my country’s history.

Now I know you have been asked this many times, but as your Sharpe TV series was a major success, I would love to see Uhtred on the big screen…… Or small screen.

I hope you have a successful and happy 2013!
I’m ready for the final story of Uhtred Rangarson. Can’t wait!!

All the best,