When will the next book after Death Of Kings be out?!!! I’ve re read the series about 6 times keeping it fresh in my mind, I can’t get enough.

Jamyn Briggs


Dear Mr. Cornwell,
I’m a fan of your books, especially the Uhtred Saga I think is great. The last band of the year 2012 was the dying king, still more volumes coming out of the saga, and if so, when will it be?
Greetings from Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Ralf Schattschneider

Dear Mr. Cornwell,
I’m a huge fan.  Started with Sharpe (read all those multiple times), read Starbuck (loved those equally), read 3-Hookton novels, and last couple of years have been enjoying Uhtred’s adventures.  Perhaps this is a silly question, but will there be another?  If, the answer is “yes” … when do you hope to publish it?
My wife writes and publishes.  So I do understand that all the research followed by the writing and editing takes time.  Much much more time than it takes us readers to devour your work.
Also, I was very pleasantly surprised to see 1356 (next in Hookton series) published recently.  Just bought it today and added it to my kindle!
Huge fan, please keep on doing what you do, and I’ll do my part.  I’ll buy them (kindle versions now, mostly) and enjoy them like all the others before them.
Many thanks and all the best!
Brad Buehler