I wish I could have given a better subject, but this is more a plea.I am not as “old” as you, by about 5 years, but I become more desperate. The “Warlord Chronicles” are clearly unfinished. How many more? When? For your older readers, you should have “consideration”. Will the next book recount Uhtred’s assault on Bebbanburg? Will he be assisted by Earl Ragnar? By Edward? You cannot leave we “old” people waiting for the conclusion.
You have worked in the early years of “Britain” and in later years. What about Roman Britain? For me, our “history” ended with the Napoleonic Wars. Everything after that is just politics.
Please, please, please, Mr Cornwell, give us what we need. The taste, the flavour, the courage of our ancestors. Watching you on TV, in relation to “Sharpe”, I sense that you understand that need. Please remind us of who WE are. And get your books out in paperback as soon as possible, please. We pensioners need every break we can get.
My regards and best wishes
Brian Riches


Dear sir,
Uhtred of Bebbanburg is everything I wish I could be. Please could you tell me when the next book is being published?
Many thanks,

Over the years I have read most if not all off your books, and still have most of them on the shelf. At 73 and the memory getting dim I have the advantage of rediscovering the stories.I have just restarted at the beginning of the Warrior Chronicles will you be following on from death of kings? once again, thank you for the pleasure
Bryan Longstone-Hull