Dear Sir,
as a great (dutch) admirerer of your books I would like to ask you if there is more to come about Uhtred of Bebbanburg after his last adventures in “Death of Kings”?  In your stories he becomes an old man living in his beloved castle of Bebbanburg. Many events must have happened between this last novel and the recapturing of his castle.The same question about Thomas of Hookton after the battle of Piotiers in “1356” I can’t imagine him going back to England and leave Castillon d’Arbizon just behind him.  I also would like to thank you for the great joy you give me by reading your superb novels. Forgive me my English, I am Dutch though with Frisian(farmers,millers& fisherman), French(Huguenots from Bordeaux) and Hungarian(gipsys tinkers) blood.(there is indeed history everywhere and I love it!!)
Yours sincerely

Pieter Sibinga Mulder