When are the Saxon Tales going to be finished?  You and George RR Martin are driving me crazy.  I’m 58 yrs old. If I were a believer, I would be praying that I live long enough to finish the sagas.Sorry for being impatient, but I have to find out Uhtred’s story.
Marc Greenstein


Howdy Bernard,

I’ll open the same as everyone, ,we,i.e, my wife Chris and I plus son Bryan have read all your books and seen the Sharpes series, so sucking up done, quick question ever since reading of Uhtred in the last Kingdom and the following books I,ve been intrigued with the bits at the end of him as an old man and I suspect that you have his last battle to be at …Bruananburh….according to history THE Battle this would make Uhtred at the time around 71 years old, 4 years older than myself but with a much harder life lived.  Don’t worry about answering if you don’t want to confirm and spoil the ending for the rest of your devotees.
Thanks for all the entertainment Keith,Chris and Bryan.

Hello, I have read all your books about Uhtred, but he isn’t at the end of his story.
Please don’t let me wait to long for the continuation of Death of Kings, and the worriest news would be that there wont`t be a continaution. Please bring him home!
Sorry for my bad English. Congratulations for your wonderful historical histories.
Franz Simons