Mr Cornwell,
I have read all of the Sharpe books and loved them, but i have always been fascinated by older history and therefore was attracted to the Saxon Chronicles, I sat down and read all of them cover to cover in record time. After recently finishing Pagan Lord I got the gut wrenching feeling you always get when left on a cliff hanger, so could you help by revealing the possibility of future adventures of Uhtred?
Thank you,

Thank you for another wonderful book. Only received it on Monday (30th) and it has caused me sleepless nights since, because I cannot put the book down. Please tell me there will be another and another…I know heroes die eventually but can’t we hear the stories of his children?   PLease, please…and a big thank you I am spreading the word.


I am currently reading The Pagan Lord and am loving, it. I have read all of this series so far many times they are a great read. I was just wondering how many more to the series there will be? as you mention in the Historical notes that Uhtred will be there to witness the final victory that results in the creations of England. Does this mean the next book will be the last one, or will there be a couple more?