Hi, loved the new book but was wondering if Uhtred will ever retake Bebbanburg?

Robert Burch


Just finished the above book and loved it- as I did all the rest. Intrigued with the link to Bamburgh- our favourite place in England but disturbed with the ending; unsure if our hero is dead and whether there will be another in the series. I do hope so, even if the Uhtred you refer to at the end of the historical note turns out to be the son.
Thank you for the many hours of wonderful reading.
Graeme Whitehead


Dear Bernard Cornwell
First of all I really enjoy your books I have read most of them and I really loved 1356. I have just read Pagan Lord, which I read non-stop, but I am really upset. Please tell me Uhtred is not dead.
Thanks again for all your books. They really bring me a a lot of pleasure
Yours hoping Uhtred is not dead