Dear Mr Cornwell
I have read most of your books and have just finished Pagan Lord in one sitting and greatly enjoyed it. I thought it would be the last in the Warrior Chronicles. However, I was very pleased to see in one of your answers that there is more to come. Will Uhtred’s son play a more prominent role? Were you being cryptic in the last line of the Historical Note by saying:’ Uhtred will be there to witness it’ . Uhtred senior or junior?
Unfortunately, I will have to wait and see.
Thank you for all the enjoyable books.
Yours sincerely

>From one of your strongest advocates here in Australia, I’ve felt compelled to write to you once again. After waiting 9 months for The Pagan Lord to be released, I finally opened the pages to be transfixed into this wonderful brutal world of English history.
You made a point of introducing former “characters” in the Uhtred saga which was a little contrived. Maybe, this is the last chapter of our super-hero and you wanted to bring them all together in a fitting finale?
Nevertheless, I will still be waiting for the last chapters of Richard Sharpe, the great British hero, who surely must now rest on sheer animal cunning and intelligence than the brute force of his earlier years. Thank you so much.
Howard Boughton


Hi there Mr. Cornwell.

Great books, your brilliant. Will there be more books past book 7 in the Warrior Chronicles?!?!  I didn’t sleep a wink last night due to the ending of book 7.  Uhtred loves to Quote Fate, so, make it 8!
