Dear Mr. Cornwell
I’ve just finished The Pagan Lord, after re-reading, in chronological order, the previous six books in the series.  In all the books, Uhtred mentions the phrase ” Wyrd bith ful araed”  You explained the letter which looks like a Greek delta as being pronounced “th”.  In the Pagan Lord, there appears another Old English letter which looks like a ‘d’ with a tail.  I hope you know what I mean, as I can’t replicate it here.  Have you any idea how it is pronounced, please?
I hope there are more books in the series, soon.  Like many of your readers, I want to see Uhtred back in Bebbanburg, which is not far from my home on Tyneside.

Having read most of your books myself, I introduced my brother-in-law to his first, Azincourt.  He couldn’t put it down.  Another fan hooked!

Kind regards,
