Hi Bernard! Thanks for another great read – just finished Uhtred#5. A comment and a question if you’re interested! I expect it is the British love of the underdog that makes us (Brits) enjoy a writers protagonist who starts ‘lowly’ and finds himself promoted to lead men – Sharpe, Derfel, Uhtred, Thomas of Hookton, Nick Hook… even supporting characters get the touch (Steapa is a champion is he not?) Alexander Kent and C S Forester are two of my other favourites who, like you give us similar heroes. Here is my question: Unsuprisingly there are loads of authors who list your work as their inspiration for writing – Simon Scarrow being an obvious example with his ‘rising through the ranks’ star. Who, of the these inspired authors would you most recommend to a hero-hungry reader like myself? Thanks (and roll on Uhtred#6!) Simon, Lincoln UK