Dear Mr. Cornwell : First of all let me tell you who I am. I am quite sure that you will be surprised by the fact that you have a fan in distant lands. I am a Peruvian (PERU in South America) attorney who just loves your saxon books. I read “The Last Kingdom” about three years ago, and ever since I became instantly fascinated by Uhtred`s adventures and by the historical background in which they take place. I just finished reading “A Burning Land” and simply can`t wait to read the next book in the series. I am quite excited by the fact that according to the book`s last pages there are still more adventures of Uhtred to come. I do hope you keep writing about the viking invasions to the UK, and here is where my question fits in, how many more books related to the saxon tales do you think you will write? Regards and please DO NOT stop writing books for the sake of all your fans (like me). Gonzalo Ferrero

Hello Bernard I am a Italian boy, I am 13, I read “The Pale Horseman”, “The Lords of the North” and “THE BURNING LAND”, I aspect the book where Uhtred conquest Bebbanburg, how many books I Will have to read when that happens? Marco Romolo