Hello Mr. Cornwell! I’m an American college student who has read almost all of your work. Thus, I was very excited when I came across this article (http://blog.moviefone.com/2009/07/16/bernard-cornwalls-agincourt-to-be-adapted/) about the potential adaptation of Agincourt into a movie. Is there anything you can tell us about that, or is it still top secret?

Also, although I haven’t yet read your Starbuck books, I was wondering if you’ve ever visited the Southern Historical Collection here at the University of North Carolina at Chapel hill. Besides the fact that there’s an enormous amount of fascinating primary source material here from the civil war, I noticed while searching the library website that the school has one of your Starbuck books listed in the “Rare Books” collection. Is there a story behind that? Thanks for reading this, and my father and I can’t wait until the next Uhtred, or whatever you’re working on, comes out!
