Greetings, Mr. Cornwell.

First, I hear you had some health issues. Hope you feel better by now.

I have the annoying habit of underestimating certain time periods. I guess I created a certain resistance towards them out of pure arrogance and the consequence is the complete disregard of the books that take place on those timeframes. I should say that my favorites are ancient (not a time specifically but you get the point) and medieval. So my knee jerk reaction is to not even check them out.

I do that frequently and very seldom I change my mind and pick the poor books up. I confess I´ve done this to some of your books.

I was absolutely and immediately captivated by the Grail Quest and Uhtred series. But Sharpe, Warlord and Gallows Thief were completely ignored, until very recently in the case of the last two (I did a 180 on Sharpe a long time ago). I breezed through Warlord and enjoyed Gallows Thief very much – I know you don´t have any more books planned on this but you´ll have a supporter if you change your mind.

The reason for all this rambling is that I wanted to congratulate and commend you on your abilities. It´s astonishing how well you can do research and create a story about so different periods of time.


You´ve said before that your favorite time period is the Napoleonic Wars and of course you focus on English history. Do you like any other time periods? Any other cultures? Enough to write about them?


Thanks for all the reading hours you provided and please, please keep writing.
