Thank you, Bernard, for the Saxon saga. I’ve loved the Uhtred stories since the first, and I loved the last. A poignant and emotional ending on many levels – including the birth of England itself, of course. It’s perhaps a little sad that our origins remain obscure for most of us, so full credit for popularising what should really be essential and basic knowledge for the English people.

When you initially penned Uhtred of Bebbanburg, was it always your intention to culminate with the Battle of Brunanburh? My expectation, in the early days, was for the series to track the life and achievements of Alfred. I was delighted when it kept going. Did it take on a life of its own?

Awful as it is to interrupt a man’s well-earned retirement, but I think I speak for many, when I say we would love to read further books that plug into the series – possibly in the form of backstory – so that we can continue to enjoy reading about our favourite fictional Northumbrian? Or perhaps the trials and tribulations of his son?

Stephen Llewelyn