Mr. Cornwell I began reading your books less than two years ago and now have read several complete series. After hearing me go on and on about the books I have convinced several of my friends to read your books as well. We have two questions, one when will Uhtred return, and two when will Starbuck return? I understand you have recently gone in another direction with Agincourt, and Redcoat both of which I did enjoy; but I would like to continue with those two stories at your leisure. As a side note I have read some of the negative responses’ to the Arthur Books and find them completely wrong they were flawless. Thank you for your time Jonathan Cahall

Hi Bernard, I started reading your books as a result of enjoying the Sharpe TV series, I guess like so many others? Anyway, I have finished Sharpe, I totally loved the Arthur books, am enthralled in Uhtred and have just finished Starbuck and given that in the end the strong suggestion is that Nate will return, do you now have an idea when (if at all) this may be? Cheers, Ray