Hello there! I first off want to start by saying I’m a huge fan of yours and will forever be grateful for The Last Kingdom series. I listen to them in the car over and over from first to last and they are absolutely incredible. I watched the show before I read the books and was also, obsessed. After I read the books though, I couldn’t help but feel like the series was done an injustice. I always tell my fiance’ that if the show had a budget the same as GOT or Vikings, it would be the best show to ever air on any platform ever, I felt the same way about the movie as well. I really don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I wanted to ask your opinion on the matter. Do you think the show could have been better? Do you wish anything would have been done differently? I personally wish more than anything that they would have kept Sigtryggr alive and done a whole new season based off of War of the Wolf. That was such an amazing book and probably my favorite, aside from War Lord of course. The war at then end of War Lord was so beautifully written, I can see, hear, smell, and feel everything going during the battle of brunanburh, there is nothing else like it. Sorry for rambling, but yeah, how do you feel about the series/movie? What would you have done differently? What would you have liked to see brought to life? Thank you so much for taking the time! I hope this message finds you!




Ryan Dakhil