Hi, just finished gallows thief, great read. Whilst I begin to investigate your catalog wondering if you ever considered making Rider Sandman into a series? I used to work close to the artillery cricket ground; brought back memories.


Matt Williams


Mr. Cornwell,

As a longtime fan I enjoy your successes–Uhtred is on NETFLIX!! –nearly as much as you must do.  Were I you, I’d have long since retired on my laurels.

However, I suspect I’m not alone in wondering what happened to Rider Sandman.  Had you written him as a two-dimensional goody two-shoes I’m sure I’d be content to imagine him safely married to Eleanor and avoiding drama with his horrible mother-in-law.

If spared, I hope to revisit Captain Sandman’s fascinating life.  He seems a perfect bridge between Arthur Wellesley’s (KG GCB GCH PC FRS) England and yours…


Mike F

Lt Col, USAF (ret)