Asking a similar question as to those that have gone before… but in a slightly different way. How do you prioritise which ‘Hero’ – or First Person – next? You obviously like inventing characters, but IMHO you don’t like ending them, giving them closure. To me, Nat Starbuck and Uhtred of Bebbanburg stand out most! (You are quite happy to kill off other characters within a series – and we all want to see Delaney dead!) I personally think Uhtred needs ‘finishing’ more as you have retrospective at the start of The Burning Land which hints to the future . And for anyone reading, Bamburgh Castle is quite stunning, as are Dunstanburgh and Lindisfarne on that coast. Nat Starbuck does not need ending if you so attached to him, and indeed his character could go on for ever, as he could always have found some trouble to get embroiled in when he has survived the last episode! Perhaps the issue is that continuing with him looks to you like a Sharpe-scale series? But I suppose when it comes to it, I will buy the next episode of whichever series, thank-you for providing such entertainment.
Robert in NZ