Hello Mr. Cornwell this is not the first time I have contacted you but I don’t think I even possessed a computer the last time so sent a letter to you via your publishers (I tend to live in the ‘dark ages’ so sending an e-mail is quite revolutionary for me). I just wanted to congratulate you on both the ‘Arthur’ series and the ‘Saxon’ stories. With a name like mine you can understand I was firmly in the ‘Arthur’ camp so a little reticent about reading of a Saxon hero – albeit a few hundred years later. What was I thinking -it was brilliant! well done and please keep up the good work – Uhtred is going to make his next appearance when? He does get Bebbanburg back doesn’t he? Your skills as a bard are quite magical- the books are completely absorbing and real page turners. I could really identify with the characters in both series, could feel the fear, smell and expectation as if in a shield wall myself but also felt the loss of characters who had become friends throughout the pages. Please, please tell me that both of these series are going to make it to our screens, either Sharpe style or film….and if they need any extras? Please hurry with the next instalment – summer is on the way and if you don’t produce some reading matter for me I might have to do some gardening! I have a slightly lesser interest in AWI but have noted that you have published one in the US. Will this be available back in the ‘old country’ soon? Anyway, you must get loads of correspondence so I must not take up any more of your valuable time. Thankyou that you use your God-given talents to the full and give so many people such enjoyment.

Keith Dragon