Dear Bernard, First let me say I have just completed Burning Land and enjoyed it immensely and look forward to the next in the series. Its about time Uhtred started moving north in JMO. One minor quibble though I hope you dont mind me saying the cover did not really go with the story I dont think Uhtred was in a desert!

BTW You have said you next novel is set during the American Revolution will it be a one off or the start of a series? Speaking for myself I would love to see you write at least one story around Tarleton. The man has a reputation of being war criminal (The film the Patriot) who took no prisoners yet reading up about him he seemed to take quite a few (Battle at Fishing Creek!) prisoners. It seems he is very Sharpe like and that he and Sharpe would probably get great what do you think??

Finally in your Azincourt history note you mentioned famous British/French battles one you left out though was the siege of Quebec and the battle on the Plains of Abraham between Wolfe and Montcalm. Have you ever thought writing about that battle? Yours sincerely Tony

P.S If you have not read it Dan Snows book Death or Victory about the siege of Quebec is certainly worth a look at and might tempt you as well.