Hello Bernard, On the last occasion visiting your site, I was a tiny bit critical of the relatively weak characters portrayed in Azincourt although the battle description was superb. Having just finished “The Burning Land” which I found absolutely absorbing, I suddenly realised that Uhtred has a great many similar characteristics to those of my all time favourite hero, Derfel from the Warlord Chronicles. I just wanted to ask you if, knowing full well, that you couldn’t continue the Arthurian legends without Arthur himself, you substituted Derfel with Uhtred and moved him a few hundred years forward in time to develop the stories within the Saxon Stories? Despite becoming an avid fan of Richard Sharpe, I just find the Dark Ages coupled with the Saxon Stories a more fascinating period in history and therefore enjoy The Saxon Stories even more. I hate to think what will happen once you complete the Saxon Stories. Would you consider a new series set in the following century (11th)to fill the gap between Saxon and Holy Grail ? Once Again, “Burning Land” just wonderful. My all time favourites chart: 1. EXCALIBUR 2. SWORDSONG 3. ENEMY OF GOD 4. BURNING LAND 5. THE BLOODY GROUND 6. WATERLOO 7 SEIGE 8 TRIUMPH The rest aren’t too far behind.
Darius Slysz