Mr. Cornwell I was just wondering if the Burning Land is going to be the last of the Saxon stories? Or do you have whole long series planned? I hope it’s the latter.

Nick Donegan

Dear Mr. Cornwell, I have been thoroughly enjoying your Saxon Chronicles series and am happy to hear the continuing story of Uhtred is due out soon. I have two questions concerning this series. Firstly, how many books do you envision to complete Uhtred’s tale? Secondly, based on the style of it, it seems it would be ideal for making into a Motion Picture or BBC type mini-series. Any hope we may see Uhtred in more than just our own heads? Thank you for your time and Best Wishes, Karl PS- A friend of mine from Chicago went so far as to have relatives in Sweden get a copy of Sword Song from Europe and send it back to America. We couldn’t wait until it came out in print here in the States. Guess that makes us true fans. Wasail!