Mr. Cornwell, While I am living in Belgium I have had the wonderful opportunity to read many of your books, namely the Warlord Trilogy, the stories of Uhtred, and currently The Grail Quest. While reading in the Grail quest, book 2 “Vagabond”, the narrator has your main character, Thomas of Hookton, remember hearing stories of an English archer from 200 years previous, named Robin Hood, or Hude, as you state in the book. It got me wondering how you would tell the story of Robin Hood. I no longer want the Hollywood version with Errol Flynn, and definitely not Kevin Costner (Shouldn’t Robin Hood have at least a British accent?), that glamorise everything and make everything into a romantic love-fest. I do appreciate that your novels skip most of that and stick to the real, or real as possible, facts of battle and every day life. I would be interested to read your story of Robin Hood. Sincerely, Leland Dixon, a fan